Calla took this photo on our first date to show Emma and Claire that Matthias was, in fact, cute (6/30/2020)

Whoops, Calla knew Matthias was the one when he took her to the ER after one of their cats bit her after just a few weeks of dating (8/27/2020)

Not our baby! Matthias' first Christmas with the Camerons and meeting baby River (12/24/2020)

Left DC on our first vacation together because the city was getting a little scary! (1/7/2021)

Left DC on our first vacation together because the city was getting a little scary! We also met a giant cat (1/7/2021)

Rock climbing for the first time takes a lot of trust in your partner!

Lots of love at Black Balsam Knob! Calla thought Matthias might propose. He didn't for another 2.5 years (04/2021)

Matthias finished his summer with Adventure Treks meeting Jen, Michael, and Addie in Denver. We missed our flight (8/21/2021)

Thank you, Claire, for our first Christmas card photo featuring Elias and Charlie! (12/8/2021)

One of many photos from our hike on the Inca Trail during Calla's year in Peru (8/7/2022)

We love our dapper Spaghetti boy!

We're engaged! We took a lovely hike to the Royal Arches overlooking Boulder, CO during a family holiday and Matthias popped the question!